Experience the magic of the beloved animated film, “My Neighbor Totoro,” with this charming and cozy sweatshirt featuring the iconic characters from the film. The Kawagoe Totoro Forest sweatshirt showcases a playful cartoon-style design, with Totoro, the friendly forest spirit, and his adorable companions prominently displayed. Made from soft and comfortable material, this sweatshirt is perfect for snuggling up on a chilly day or showing off your love for the classic film. The whimsical design is sure to bring a smile to any fan’s face, making it a great addition to any wardrobe. Whether you’re exploring the great outdoors or simply lounging at home, this sweatshirt is sure to keep you warm and stylish.
8 oz; 50% cotton, 50% polyester
Air jet yarn for a softer feel and no pilling
1×1 athletic rib cuffs and waistband with spandex; Double-needle stitching
Decoration type: Digital Print
Care Instructions: Wash inside out. Machine wash cold with like colors. Gentle cycle. Only non-chlorine bleach when needed. Tumble dry low. Cool iron if needed. Please hand wash or machine wash on the gentle mode in the first wash.
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