Experience the magical world of Princess Mononoke with this one-of-a-kind hoodie featuring Ashitaka and the enchanting Shishigami in both its day and night forms. This stylish and versatile hoodie is perfect for fans of the iconic Studio Ghibli film, showcasing stunning graphics of the forest spirit in its serene daytime appearance and its mystical nighttime glow. Made from high-quality, soft material, this hoodie provides warmth and comfort, making it ideal for everyday wear or for cosplaying your favorite characters. Embrace the spirit of adventure and nature with the Princess Mononoke Ashitaka – Princess Mononoke Shishigami Day and Night Time Hoodie, a must-have for any anime enthusiast’s wardrobe.
8 oz 55/45 cotton/polyester
Air jet yarn creates a smooth, low-pill surface
Double needle stitching; Pouch pocket; Unisex sizing
Care: Machine wash cold; Tumble dry low
Decoration type: Digital Print
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