Experience the magic of Studio Ghibli’s beloved film, “My Neighbor Totoro,” with this enchanting 3D sweater. Featuring a vibrant and detailed design, this sweater showcases Totoro and the two young girls, Satsuki and Mei, as they explore a lush jungle teeming with life and wonder. The unique 3D printing technology brings the characters and scenery to life, creating a captivating visual effect that will make you feel like you’re part of the adventure. Made from soft and comfortable material, this sweater is perfect for keeping cozy while celebrating the whimsical world of Totoro. Add a touch of enchantment to your wardrobe and let your imagination run wild with the Totoro and the Girls in Jungle 3D Sweater.
Material: Acrylic wool blend fabric (260 GSM) – Good quality fabric that makes you feel good and comfortable when wearing. Breathable and temperature-regulating.
Well-designed crewneck to keep you warm and comfortable all day long.
Long-sleeve wool-blend sweater with ribbed cuffs.
All-over-print dye-sublimation printing technique returns vibrant and bold print that won’t fade.
You can pair up with most of your outfits, suits, and jeans on various occasions, to different venues. It is perfect for everyday wear.
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