Embark on a whimsical journey every morning with the Dragon In Spirited Away – Totoro Faces Mug. This enchanting mug seamlessly blends two iconic images from the beloved worlds created by Studio Ghibli. The design features the fierce yet noble dragon Haku from “Spirited Away” intertwined with the gentle, smiling faces of Totoro from “My Neighbor Totoro.”
Crafted from high-quality ceramic, this unique mug boasts a durable construction that’s ideal for both hot and cold beverages. The exterior showcases a beautifully detailed artwork that captures the mysterious allure of Haku in his dragon form, spiraling around the mug. Interspersed between his coils are multiple expressions of Totoro, ranging from his trademark wide grin to a more thoughtful, serene expression. The playful contrast between Haku’s dramatic elegance and Totoro’s comforting simplicity makes this mug a captivating piece for any fan of Studio Ghibli.
With a generous capacity, the Dragon In Spirited Away – Totoro Faces Mug is perfect for your favorite coffee, tea, or even a hearty soup. Whether you’re starting off your morning with a caffeine boost or winding down with a warm drink, this mug brings a touch of magic to your routine.
A thoughtful gift for Studio Ghibli enthusiasts, anime collectors, or anyone who appreciates artful design, this mug is not only functional but also a keepsake that brings the enchantment of two of Japan’s most famous animated features right to your table. Enjoy your beverages in style and let every sip transport you to the extraordinary realms of Ghibli’s creations.
High quality ceramic mug
Dishwasher safe
Microwave safe
White gloss 11 oz/ 15 oz
Decorated with full wrap dye sublimation
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