Snuggle up in this cozy and whimsical hoodie featuring the beloved Totoro family from the iconic animated film, “My Neighbor Totoro.” The hoodie showcases an enchanting print of Totoro, along with smaller Totoros, joyfully playing in a lush jungle setting. This vibrant and playful design captures the magical essence of the film, making it a perfect addition to any Studio Ghibli fan’s wardrobe. Crafted from soft and comfortable materials, this hoodie is ideal for both indoor lounging and outdoor adventures, ensuring you stay warm and stylish while showing off your love for the enchanting world of Totoro.
8 oz 55/45 cotton/polyester
Air jet yarn creates a smooth, low-pill surface
Double needle stitching; Pouch pocket; Unisex sizing
Care: Machine wash cold; Tumble dry low
Decoration type: Digital Print
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