Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Studio Ghibli with this captivating face mask, inspired by the iconic characters from the beloved film, Princess Mononoke. Featuring the fearless Princess San and her loyal wolf companion, this mask is a must-have for any fan of the film. Designed with vibrant artwork that captures the essence of the characters, this face mask is both functional and stylish. Crafted with high-quality materials, it ensures comfort and protection, making it perfect for everyday use or as a unique addition to any cosplay outfit. Take a piece of the mystical forest with you wherever you go with the Princess Mononoke – San and The Wolf Face Mask!
Lightweight & ultra-breathable two-layer protective face mask with black soft stretch ear straps
Inner layer: soft moisture-wicking nylon spandex; Outer layer: micro-knit polyester treated with an anti-microbial agent
Care: Reusable, machine washable
Mask Dimensions: 8 x 5.25 inches
Decoration Type: Sublimation
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