Add a touch of whimsy to your windows with the “Jiji by the Stained Glass Window Stickers,” inspired by the beloved animated film, Kiki’s Delivery Service. These enchanting stickers feature Jiji, the charming and sassy black cat who accompanies Kiki on her adventures as a young witch. Designed to mimic the beauty of real stained glass, these window stickers catch the light to create a colorful play of light in your room.
Perfect for fans of the film or anyone who appreciates a magical touch in their decor, these stickers can be easily applied to any glass surface. They adhere smoothly without leaving a sticky residue, making them easy to reposition or remove whenever you wish. Whether you’re decorating a window, a glass door, or even a mirror, these stickers will bring a bit of the magical and timeless charm of Kiki’s Delivery Service into your space.
Ideal as a gift or a personal treat, “Jiji by the Stained Glass Window Stickers” transform any ordinary window into a scene straight out of a Studio Ghibli classic, adding a splash of color and the delightful presence of one of the most iconic characters from the film.
A colorful Ghibli Stickers will warming up your day!
.: White or transparent
.: Grey adhesive left side for white stickers
.: Four sizes to choose from
.: For indoor use
.: Not waterproof
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