This charming hoodie captures the playful spirit of the beloved Studio Ghibli film, “Kiki’s Delivery Service,” with an adorable depiction of the young witch Kiki in a heartwarming embrace with her faithful companion, Jiji. The hoodie features detailed finger figures of Kiki and Jiji, showcasing Kiki in her iconic dark dress and red bow, with Jiji the black cat snuggled comfortably in her arms.
Crafted from a soft, durable fabric, this hoodie ensures both comfort and longevity, making it perfect for everyday wear. The design is not only a nod to the classic anime, but also a stylish statement piece for fans of all ages. The hoodie comes equipped with a spacious front pocket and an adjustable drawstring hood, offering both functionality and a cozy fit.
This hoodie is ideal for those looking to express their fandom while keeping snug during cooler days. Whether you’re lounging at home, enjoying a casual outing, or attending a fan convention, the “Kiki’s Delivery Service” Finger Figures Temu – Kiki Hugging Jiji Hoodie is sure to delight fans and invite fond memories of Kiki’s adventures.
8 oz 55/45 cotton/polyester
Air jet yarn creates a smooth, low-pill surface
Double needle stitching; Pouch pocket; Unisex sizing
Care: Machine wash cold; Tumble dry low
Decoration type: Digital Print
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