Celebrate the magic of Studio Ghibli with the “Kiki’s Delivery Service 30th Anniversary Mug,” a charming collectible that commemorates three decades of the beloved film. This beautifully designed mug features iconic artwork reminiscent of Kiki’s adventures around the picturesque seaside town where she starts her witch delivery service.
Crafted from high-quality ceramic, the mug showcases a vibrant illustration of Kiki flying on her broom alongside her trusty black cat, Jiji, capturing the spirit of freedom and discovery. The detailed printing brings to life the quaint, European-inspired scenery from the film, making each sip a nostalgic trip to Kiki’s world.
Perfect for both hot and cold beverages, this sturdy mug holds a generous amount of your favorite drink, be it morning coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. Its comfortable handle ensures a secure grip, making it an ideal choice for both daily use and display purposes.
Packaged in an attractive commemorative box, the “Kiki’s Delivery Service 30th Anniversary Mug” makes a perfect gift for any Studio Ghibli enthusiast or a wonderful addition to your own collection. Celebrate the enduring charm and magic of Kiki’s journey with this enchanting anniversary mug, which not only honors the film’s legacy but also inspires a sense of adventure and joy with every use.
High quality ceramic mug
Dishwasher safe
Microwave safe
White gloss 11 oz/15 oz
Decorated with full wrap dye sublimation
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