Experience the enchanting world of “Laputa: Castle in the Sky” like never before with the English cast version of this beloved Studio Ghibli classic! Directed by the visionary Hayao Miyazaki, this animated adventure tells the story of Sheeta, a young girl with a mysterious crystal pendant, who falls from the sky and into the life of a brave boy named Pazu. Together, they embark on a thrilling quest to discover the secrets of the floating island, Laputa, while evading sky pirates and government agents.
The English voice cast features the talented voices of James Van Der Beek as Pazu and Anna Paquin as Sheeta, with additional performances by Cloris Leachman, Mark Hamill, and Mandy Patinkin, who bring this rich tapestry of characters to life. This DVD preserves the breathtaking visuals and exhilarating score by Joe Hisaishi, ensuring a cinematic experience that will captivate viewers of all ages.
Enhance your viewing experience with the exclusive “Laputa: Castle in the Sky and Warrior Robot Mug.” This collectible mug is perfect for any Studio Ghibli enthusiast. Featuring a high-quality image of the iconic Warrior Robot from the film, it captures the intricate and lovingly animated design that has fascinated fans for decades. Made with durable materials, this mug is suitable for beverages of all kinds and is dishwasher safe. Whether used for your morning coffee or displayed as a piece of your collection, it serves as a fantastic reminder of the resilience and courage that define Miyazaki’s work.
Grab your copy of “Laputa: Castle in the Sky” with the English cast and cherish this timeless story of adventure, friendship, and the relentless pursuit of dreams, perfectly complemented by your new Warrior Robot Mug. A must-have for any fan looking to relive the magic over a cozy drink.
High quality ceramic mug
Dishwasher safe
Microwave safe
White gloss 11oz, 15oz
Decorated with full wrap dye sublimation
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