This charming lanyard features the beloved character Totoro from the iconic animated film “My Neighbor Totoro.” Designed to hold keychains, ID cards, or other small essentials, the lanyard showcases various images of Totoro in different adorable poses. Made from durable materials, it ensures both style and functionality. The lanyard also includes a sturdy metal clip for easy attachment and detachment of items. Perfect for fans of the film, this Totoro lanyard is a great way to keep your essentials handy while showing off your love for this enchanting character.
My Neighbor Totoro Lanyard For Keychain ID Card Holder
Lanyard Size: 2.5 cm x 45 cm
Card sleeve size: 7 cm x 11 cm
Material: Polyester/ Nylon, Metal
For manual measurement, please allow a 0.1 – 0.5 cm error.
(1 cm=0.39 inch)
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