This delightful T-shirt features the iconic Soot Sprites from Studio Ghibli’s beloved animated film, My Neighbor Totoro. The design showcases Mei and Satsuki, the two charming sisters, as they explore the enchanting forest accompanied by the mischievous Soot Sprites. Made from comfortable and durable material, this T-shirt is perfect for any fan of the film, providing a stylish way to pay homage to the magical world created by Hayao Miyazaki. Whether you’re heading out for a casual day or looking to add a touch of whimsy to your wardrobe, this Totoro Soot Sprites T-shirt is sure to capture the hearts of Studio Ghibli enthusiasts everywhere.
5.3-ounce, 100% cotton (99/1 cotton/poly (Ash) & 90/10 cotton/poly (Sport Grey)
Heavyweight classic unisex tee
Taped neck and shoulders; Tearaway label
Decoration type: Digital Print
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