Step into the magical world of Princess Mononoke with the Yakul Princess Mononoke – Princess Mononoke Canvas 3D Sweater. This unique and enchanting sweater is designed to bring to life the spirit of the beloved Studio Ghibli film. Featuring a striking 3D canvas print of Yakul, the loyal red elk and companion to the film’s heroine, this sweater captures the essence of the mystical and captivating universe of the movie. Made from high-quality, soft fabric, it ensures comfort and warmth, making it perfect for any fan looking to showcase their love for the film in style. Whether you’re heading out for an adventure or cozying up at home, this sweater is a must-have for any Princess Mononoke enthusiast.
Material: Acrylic wool blend fabric (260 GSM) – Good quality fabric that makes you feel good and comfortable when wearing. Breathable and temperature-regulating.
Well-designed crewneck to keep you warm and comfortable all day long.
Long-sleeve wool-blend sweater with ribbed cuffs.
All-over-print dye-sublimation printing technique returns vibrant and bold print that won’t fade.
You can pair up with most of your outfits, suits, and jeans on various occasions, to different venues. It is perfect for everyday wear.
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