Step into the magical world of Princess Mononoke with this enchanting hoodie featuring Shishigami and Sakura. This stylish hoodie showcases beautiful artwork inspired by the beloved film, with intricate designs of the majestic Shishigami, the forest spirit, and the delicate Sakura blossoms that adorn the landscape. Made with soft and comfortable material, it’s perfect for keeping cozy while paying tribute to the Studio Ghibli classic. Ideal for casual wear or for cosplaying your favorite characters, the hoodie is versatile and makes a wonderful gift for any fan of Princess Mononoke. Embrace the spirit of the forest and celebrate the timeless tale of adventure and harmony with this special hoodie.
8 oz 55/45 cotton/polyester
Air jet yarn creates a smooth, low-pill surface
Double needle stitching; Pouch pocket; Unisex sizing
Care: Machine wash cold; Tumble dry low
Decoration type: Digital Print
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