This enchanting “Yubaba Spirited Away – Spirited Away Characters Compilation T-Shirt” is a must-have for any young fan of the critically acclaimed Studio Ghibli film, “Spirited Away.” It features a vibrant, detailed print spotlighting Yubaba, the formidable witch who runs the mystical bathhouse. Surrounding her are a compilation of other beloved characters from the film, including Chihiro, Haku, No-Face, and more, brought to life in captivating colors and intricate details.
Crafted from soft, durable materials, this t-shirt is designed to provide comfort and long-lasting wear for all kinds of activities, whether it’s a day at school, an outdoor adventure, or a cozy day at home watching their favorite movies. The fabric is gentle on the skin, ensuring it’s suitable for kids with sensitive skin.
This t-shirt not only embraces the magic of the animated film but also encourages young imaginations to soar. It’s a perfect gift for birthdays, holidays, or as a special treat for any youngster who dreams of adventures in enchanting worlds. Give your child the chance to showcase their love for “Spirited Away” and its timeless characters with this captivating and stylish t-shirt.
Make your kid’s daily wear more comfortable with our Custom Youth t-shirts. Made with breathable and comfortable fabric, this custom Youth is suitable to wear to schools, outdoor places, or at home.
Material: 5.3 oz/yd², Sport Grey (90% cotton/10% polyester), Dark Heather, Heather Sapphire (50% cotton/50% polyester), All others (100% cotton).
Printing technique: Direct to Garment printing.
Quality: Soft-style combed cotton, very breathable and moisture-wicking.
Classic fit and tubular body for a relaxed and comfortable style.
Taped neck and shoulders for comfort and durability.
Products mainly use Gildan 5000B. In case of Gildan’s blank product is out of stock, it will be transferred to Hanes’s blank product.
Size | Length | Chest (Laid Flat) | Sleeve Center Back | |||
Inch | Cm | Inch | Cm | Inch | Cm | |
XS | 20.5 | 52.07 | 16 | 40.64 | 13.25 | 33.65 |
S | 22.0 | 55.9 | 17 | 43.2 | 14.25 | 36.2 |
M | 23.5 | 59.7 | 18 | 45.7 | 15.25 | 38.7 |
L | 25.0 | 63.5 | 19 | 48.2 | 16.25 | 41.3 |
XL | 26.5 | 67.3 | 20 | 50.8 | 17.25 | 43.81 |
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