Unleash the magic of Studio Ghibli’s beloved film, “Spirited Away,” with this enchanting mug featuring the iconic imagery of No Face and Haku in his dragon form. Crafted with care, this mug captures the mystique and whimsical atmosphere of the Bathhouse, where much of the movie’s adventure unfolds.
On one side of the mug, No Face stands silently, depicted in his signature, mysterious pose, emanating an aura that is both enigmatic and intriguing. On the opposite side, Haku soars gracefully as his majestic dragon form, his body swirling around the mug in a protective embrace. The detailed artwork highlights the contrasting traits of these two pivotal characters—No Face’s enigmatic simplicity and Haku’s courageous complexity.
Made from high-quality ceramic, this mug is ideal for holding your favorite hot beverages, from soothing teas to invigorating coffees. Whether you’re starting a busy day or winding down in the evening, this mug brings a touch of “Spirited Away” magic to your routine. Its generous capacity ensures you can enjoy ample amounts of your beverage without frequent refills.
Not only is this mug a functional drinkware item, but it also serves as a fantastic collectible or a thoughtful gift for any Studio Ghibli enthusiast. Its durable construction ensures that the enchanting designs remain vibrant and intact, even after many washes. Suitable for use in both microwave and dishwasher, this Spirited Away-themed mug combines convenience with a celebration of classic animation.
Relive the magic of an animated masterpiece every morning with the Spirited Away – No Face and Haku Dragon Mug. It’s not just a drink holder; it’s a portal to a spellbinding world, inviting you to revisit the charm and mystery of one of the most acclaimed films in the history of animation.
High quality ceramic mug
Dishwasher safe
Microwave safe
White gloss 11 oz / 15 oz
Decorated with full wrap dye sublimation
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