Embark on a delightful journey every morning with the “Spirited Away – No Face Kaonashi Buffet Mug”. This charming mug is inspired by the critically acclaimed Studio Ghibli film “Spirited Away,” directed by the legendary Hayao Miyazaki. Featuring the enigmatic and beloved character No Face (Kaonashi), this mug captures the spirit of the mysterious spirit in a whimsical design that fans will adore.
The mug showcases No Face standing before a lavish buffet, a memorable scene from the film where he offers a spread of endless dishes. The detailed graphics not only bring Kaonashi’s character to life but also evoke the magical ambiance of the bathhouse from the movie. Made from high-quality ceramic, this mug is sturdy and perfect for daily use, whether you’re enjoying coffee, tea, or any hot beverage.
Holding up to 11 ounces of liquid, it provides ample space for your favorite drink. The structure of the mug ensures a comfortable grip, and it is both microwave and dishwasher safe, making it convenient for everyday use.
This No Face Kaonashi Buffet Mug is not only a functional item for beverage enjoyment but also serves as a fantastic collectible or gift for any Spirited Away or Studio Ghibli enthusiast. Add a touch of enchantment and nostalgia to your kitchenware, or give a thoughtful gift to a fellow fan, embracing the magic and wonder of one of the most beloved animated films ever created.
High quality ceramic mug
Dishwasher safe
Microwave safe
White gloss 11oz, 15oz
Decorated with full wrap dye sublimation
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