Unleash the magic of Studio Ghibli’s beloved film, “Spirited Away,” with this enchanting set of badge pins featuring the iconic Dragon and the enigmatic Radish Spirit. This collection is perfect for fans who want to carry a piece of the film’s enchanting world with them wherever they go.
The first badge showcases Haku in his majestic dragon form, beautifully crafted with vibrant colors and intricate details that capture his ethereal presence. The metallic finish adds a shimmering touch, emphasizing the dragon’s mystical aura. This pin serves as a dazzling reminder of Haku’s loyalty and strength.
The second badge brings the whimsical Radish Spirit to life, depicted in his unique, bulbous form that charmed audiences. The design highlights his gentle eyes and serene smile, embodying the mysterious yet comforting spirit encountered in the bathhouse. The soft color palette and smooth finish reflect his quiet and unassuming nature.
Crafted from high-quality materials, these pins are durable and designed for longevity, so you can adorn your bags, jackets, or collection boards without worry. Each pin features a secure backing to ensure that it stays in place, whether you’re on an adventure in the real world or getting spirited away into your imagination.
These Spirited Away Radish Spirit Badge Pins are not just accessories; they’re a gateway to remembering and celebrating the heartfelt and captivating journey of Chihiro. Whether as a gift for a fellow Ghibli enthusiast or a treat for yourself, these pins are a beautiful way to keep the spirit of the film alive.
Spirited Away Merchandise – Radish Spirit Badge Pins
Size: About 30mmMaterial: Metal
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