The enchanting world of Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki’s masterpiece, “Spirited Away,” comes to life with these delightfully crafted iPhone cases featuring Sen and the Bathhouse, as well as the adorable Dust Sprites. These cases are designed to captivate fans of the film with their detailed and vibrant artwork, encapsulating the magic of the movie.
Each case showcases a scene with Chihiro (Sen) as she navigates the mystical bathhouse, a setting teeming with spirits and intrigue. The artwork captures the rich, colorful environments of the bathhouse and the whimsical yet earnest atmosphere of the film. Alongside Chihiro, the cases feature the cute, coal-carrying Dust Sprites, which have become iconic in their own right, beloved for their simplicity and charm.
Crafted for durability and style, these iPhone cases are made from high-quality materials to protect your device from scratches, dust, and everyday wear and tear. The cases fit snugly around your iPhone, providing a solid grip without adding bulk, and have precise cutouts for all buttons, ports, and cameras, ensuring that usability is not compromised.
Perfect for everyday use, these iPhone cases not only serve as a protective cover for your phone but also as a piece of collectible art that brings a little piece of the Spirited Away universe with you wherever you go. Whether you are a long-time Studio Ghibli enthusiast or a new fan of this animated classic, these iPhone cases are a splendid way to show off your love for “Spirited Away.”
We offer an extensive range of Ghibli Phone Cases that are inspired by Ghibli Studio Movies. Our design team takes great care into designing items in order to bring the best selection for the smartphone. It’s ideal for smartphone including: iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone Xs Max, iPhone 11,iPhong 11 Pro Max, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro Max,..
.: Slim form and lightweight
.: Totally flexible, resistant to tear
.: Slimline and low profile, fitting tightly
.: Precise cut outs for connectivity
.: Supports wireless charging
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