Unleash the charm of Studio Ghibli’s enchanting world with our “Spirited Away – Sleeping Boh Mouse” iPhone case series. Each case features the adorable image of Boh, the oversized baby turned tiny, snoozing mouse, as seen in the critically acclaimed film “Spirited Away.” Perfect for devoted fans and those captivated by the movie’s captivating visuals and unique characters.
Crafted with high-quality materials, these cases ensure robust protection for your iPhone while maintaining a sleek, lightweight profile. The vibrant, detailed print brings Boh in his mouse form to life, resting peacefully which adds a touch of whimsy and sweetness to your device. This charming design is not just about aesthetics but also symbolizes transformation and adaptability, themes central to the movie.
Available for various iPhone models, each case fits snugly, providing easy access to all buttons and ports. The smooth finish also offers a comfortable grip, preventing slips and drops. Whether you’re buying it as a treat for yourself or a gift for a fellow Studio Ghibli enthusiast, the “Spirited Away – Sleeping Boh Mouse” iPhone case is sure to enchant and delight anyone who holds it.
Protect your phone in style while keeping a piece of the magical world of Spirited Away right in your pocket!
The Flexi Case is designed with modern form and function in mind. The Flexi Case has an extraordinary Clear TPU shell delivering frosty transparent impact resistance while allowing the allure of the smartphone to shine through.
.: Slim form and lightweight
.: Totally flexible, resistant to tear
.: Slimline and low profile, fitting tightly
.: Precise cut outs for connectivity
.: Supports wireless charging
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