Unleash the magical essence of Studio Ghibli every morning with the Spirited Away – Sleeping Boh Mouse Mug! This delightful ceramic mug captures the enchanting moment from the beloved film “Spirited Away,” where the hefty baby Boh is transformed into an adorable, tiny mouse. It’s a must-have for any fan of the film or lover of whimsical drinkware.
The mug features a high-quality, vibrant print of Boh in his mouse form, cozily wrapped up and dozing peacefully. The design is intricately detailed, letting you appreciate the artistry that goes into every frame of a Studio Ghibli masterpiece. The scene is not just beautifully depicted but also evokes the magical transformation and adventure in the spirit world, adding a touch of mystery and wonder to your drink.
Crafted from durable ceramic, this mug is perfect for savoring your favorite beverages, whether it’s morning coffee, evening tea, or anything in between. It’s both microwave and dishwasher safe, making it as functional as it is charming. With a comfortable handle and a sturdy base, it is designed for everyday use.
Holding approximately 11 ounces of liquid, the Spirited Away – Sleeping Boh Mouse Mug is an excellent addition to your collection or a thoughtful gift for a Studio Ghibli enthusiast. It’s a way to keep the magic of the movie alive in your daily routine and bring a whimsical twist to your kitchen cupboard.
Get ready to sip your brew alongside one of the most unforgettable characters from Spirited Away, and let every morning bring you a splash of magic and adventure with the Sleeping Boh Mouse Mug!
High quality ceramic mug
Dishwasher safe
Microwave safe
White gloss 11oz, 15oz
Decorated with full wrap dye sublimation
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