Experience the heartwarming tale of “The Boy and The Heron” in a cozy and stylish Grand Uncle Sweatshirt. This animated film tells the story of a young boy who embarks on a magical adventure with a majestic heron, forming a deep bond that transcends the ordinary. The Grand Uncle Sweatshirt makes the perfect companion for this enchanting journey, with its soft and comfortable fabric that keeps you warm while you immerse yourself in the movie. Ideal for movie nights or casual outings, the sweatshirt adds an extra layer of comfort and style that enhances your viewing experience. Get ready to be captivated by the beautiful animation and touching story, all while feeling snug in your Grand Uncle Sweatshirt.
8 oz; 55% cotton/45% polyester
Air jet yarn for a softer feel and no pilling
1×1 athletic rib cuffs and waistband with spandex; Double-needle stitching
Decoration type: Digital Print
Care Instructions: Wash inside out. Machine wash cold with like colors. Gentle cycle. Only non-chlorine bleach when needed. Tumble dry low. Cool iron if needed. Please hand wash or machine wash on the gentle mode in the first wash.
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