Embark on a delightful adventure every morning with the “Where To Watch Ponyo – The Hungry Ponyo Mug.” Ideal for fans of the enchanting world created by Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, this mug captures the whimsical spirit of Ponyo, a magical goldfish who dreams of becoming human.
The mug features a vibrant, beautifully detailed design depicting Ponyo in her iconic moment of hunger, capturing her wide-eyed, exuberant expression. The rich, colorful artwork wraps around the mug, bringing the essence of the sea and its magical inhabitants to your tabletop.
Made from high-quality ceramic, this mug holds approximately 11 ounces of your favorite beverage, whether it’s morning coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. It’s microwave safe, allowing you to reheat your drink without any hassle, and dishwasher safe, ensuring easy cleaning.
Not only is this mug perfect for daily use, but it also serves as a wonderful collectible or gift for any Studio Ghibli aficionado. Enjoy your viewing of Ponyo and other beloved Ghibli classics with this charming mug, or display it as part of your collection to keep the magic of the film alive in your home.
Whether you’re using it to kick start your morning or winding down in the evening, the “Where To Watch Ponyo – The Hungry Ponyo Mug” is a must-have for bringing a touch of enchantment and joy to your everyday routine.
High quality ceramic mug
Dishwasher safe
Microwave safe
White gloss 11 oz / 15 oz
Decorated with full wrap dye sublimation
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