This delightful Totoro Soot Gremlins quilt blanket features the beloved characters from the beloved animated classic “My Neighbor Totoro.” The design showcases Totoro and The Girls as well as the iconic Soot Gremlins, beautifully illustrated against a vibrant, colorful background. This cozy quilt blanket is perfect for snuggling up during movie nights, adding a whimsical touch to any bedroom, or as a thoughtful gift for fans of the classic film. With its soft and warm material, this blanket not only provides comfort but also brings the enchanting world of Totoro to life, making it a magical addition to any home.
Brighten things up with our cozy and colorful quilt blanket.
Using soft and breathable materials, make the quilt comfortable through all the season, yet lightweight.
Machine washable for easy care.
Due to the different monitor and light effects, the actual color of the item might be slightly different from the color shown on the website.
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