Bring the enchanting world of Studio Ghibli into your home with this delightful “My Neighbour Totoro” mug, featuring the iconic characters Totoro and the Sootballs. Made from high-quality ceramic, this mug captures the essence of the cherished film, showcasing the lovable Totoro in a serene forest setting.
On one side of the mug, Totoro stands proudly, exuding calm and mystery, his large, expressive eyes and wide smile inviting you to a world of whimsy and magic. Wrapped around the other side, the mischievous Sootballs frolic and play, adding a playful touch to the mug’s design.
Perfect for enjoying your morning coffee or a cozy hot chocolate, the mug holds approximately 11 ounces of your favorite beverage. The artwork is beautifully rendered with attention to the film’s unique color palette and artistic style, ensuring it stands out in your collection. Additionally, the mug is both microwave and dishwasher safe, making it as functional as it is decorative.
Whether you’re starting your day or enjoying a mid-afternoon break, the Totoro and the Sootballs mug is sure to bring a smile to your face and a touch of magic to your daily routine. It’s also a perfect gift for any Studio Ghibli fan, collector, or anyone who appreciates the timeless stories and rich animation of Hayao Miyazaki.
High quality ceramic mug
Dishwasher safe
Microwave safe
White gloss 11 oz/ 15 oz
Decorated with full wrap dye sublimation
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