Celebrate the enchanting world of Studio Ghibli with this delightful My Neighbor Totoro Satsuki – Totoro with Flower Umbrella Mug. Designed to capture the heartwarming magic of the beloved film, this mug features the charming character Totoro standing beside Satsuki under a whimsically oversized flower umbrella.
Crafted with care, the mug showcases vibrant, detailed artwork that portrays the iconic scene in lush colors and clear imagery, bringing a touch of Totoro’s forest to your morning coffee or tea. The sturdy ceramic construction provides durability, ensuring this mug can be a trusty companion for your daily routines or casual sipping on a cozy evening.
Holding approximately 325ml (11 ounces) of your favorite beverage, this mug is both microwave and dishwasher safe, making it as functional as it is beautiful. Whether used for hot chocolate on a rainy day, tea during a relaxing moment, or coffee in a busy morning, this mug brings a bit of joy and nostalgia that resonates with Totoro fans of all ages.
Perfect for gifting or adding a magical touch to your own kitchen collection, the My Neighbor Totoro Satsuki – Totoro with Flower Umbrella Mug is a delightful find for fans, collectors, and anyone who appreciates the craftsmanship and storytelling of Studio Ghibli.
High quality ceramic mug
Dishwasher safe
Microwave safe
White gloss 11 oz / 15 oz
Decorated with full wrap dye sublimation
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