This enchanting Princess Mononoke Kodama – Tree Spirits by the Red Moon Mug is a must-have for any Studio Ghibli fan! The mug features the adorable, iconic Kodama tree spirits, set against a mystical backdrop of a glowing red moon. Crafted with high-quality ceramic, this durable mug is perfect for enjoying your favorite hot beverages while being reminded of the magical world of Princess Mononoke. The serene and captivating design makes it a great gift for collectors and enthusiasts of Hayao Miyazaki’s masterpiece. Enjoy a sip of enchantment with this whimsical and beautifully designed mug every day!
High quality ceramic mug
Dishwasher safe
Microwave safe
White gloss 11 oz/ 15 oz
Decorated with full wrap dye sublimation
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